Term | Definition |
Hagerman 1956 | Hagerman, Percy. 1956. Notes on Mountaineering in the Elk Mountains, 1908–1910. Denver: Colorado Mountain Club.
Hits - 1642
Harper 1994 | Harper, Kimball T., Larry L. St. Clair, Kaye H. Thorne, and Wilford M. Hess. 1994. Natural History of the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin. Niwot: University Press of Colorado.
Hits - 1444
Harris 2012 | Harris, Matthew L., and Jay H. Buckley. 2012. Zebulon Pike, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Hits - 1544
Hayden 1867 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1867. First Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Nebraska. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 1640
Hayden 1873 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1873. First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories for the Years 1867, 1868, and 1869. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 1884
Hayden 1874 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1874. Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado: The Exploration for the Year 1873. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 2218
Hayden 1876 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1876. Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado and Parts of Adjacent Territories: Report of Progress of the Exploration for the Year 1874. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 2045
Hayden 1877 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1877. Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado and Parts of Adjacent Territories: Report of Progress of the Exploration for the Year 1875. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 1754
Hayden 1878 | Hayden, Ferdinand V. 1878. Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado and Parts of Adjacent Territories: Report of Progress of the Exploration for the Year 1876. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 2011
Hayden Survey 1877 | Hayden Survey. 1877. Geological and Geographical Atlas of Colorado and Portions of Adjacent Territory. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Hits - 2226
Huber 1993 | Huber, Thomas P. 1993. Colorado: The Place of Nature, the Nature of Place. Niwot: University Press of Colorado.
Hits - 1612
Humboldt 1845-52 | Humboldt, Alexander von. 1845–52. Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, vols. 1–3, translated by Elizabeth Sabine. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans and John Murray.
Hits - 1656